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Blondes Do Have More Fun!


Bright Blondes

If your goal is to be as blonde as you can be look no further! My favorite kind of Blonde is Bright, Glossy and Healthy. This kind of Blonde can be a journey but it's well worth the patience that it can take to get there.  Healthy hair doesn't happen by accident. It's intentional and takes care. 

Blendy Blondes

Blendy Blondes are understated but no less beautiful. It can be easy to over do it and remove too much of that critical depth that you'll need to make those blondes pop. Too many blondes and it wont grow out softly but not enough and you wont notice it. Its a challenge I love to face. Feeling too blonde and solid? Let's add some dimension back in so you can enjoy being blonde again. 

Low Maintenance Refresh 

This is a great way to stretch you blonding appointment a little longer. Are you loving you blonde but just feelin like you need a bit more blend at the top? Say no more! We  can custom blend you a formula to match your natural or slightly lighter. This will help blend out any harsh lines in your old foils to help you get a bit more time before your next foiling service. Don't worry, your ends wont get left behind. Well gloss them and balance out any overly warm tones so you're left feeling fresh and new again!

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